Mecca - The First National Park - Yellowstone

People at work will understand the veiled sarcasm in the title of this post. However, after seeing it for myself...well the park has reason to brag. I entered the park from the East Entrance and traveled my way up to Mammoth Springs area near the North entrance. On the way I saw the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake where there were a bunch of thermal features, Old Faithful, Artist Paint Pots and some of the Canyon area. I could have been there for days, but I had to keep moving in order to get to Mammoth Springs before dark.
There was one really funny story that came out of the day besides the bison-jams that I frequently experienced (this is when all tourist stop their cars in the road to look at bison) and running out of batteries in my camera JUST as I entered the park... While at Old Faithful, I took Pacer out to take a's Old Faithful...I had to get a gnome picture. The first group of tourist thought this was hilarious that I had a gnome with me. I should have known then that Pacer was a star! The ranger took a picture with him as you see at the top of the post! One gentleman asked me all sorts of questions about Pacer and then requested I pose for a picture with Pacer for him! So yup, Pacer and I are in some family "Yellowstone Trip" album somewhere! The geyser when off as it was supposed to and people started to disperse. I figured I should try and get one more picture with Pacer and Old Faithful before trying to get some grub. I put Pacer down and people started walking by and laughing. Before I knew it, people were requesting pictures with Pacer!!! Like 4 different groups of pictures! Pacer is an international SUPA-STAR!!!!
After the mob died down, I grabbed a sandwich at the Old Faithful Inn. I have always wanted to go there -- it was so incredibly cool. I arrived 3 minutes after the shut the dinner room down for lunch, so I was a little disappointed; however, just being there was good enough.
At the end of the day, I met my friend Karen up at Mammoth Springs as she was there on business. We had dinner with other Park Service peeps. She was nice enough to share her cabin with me so I didn't have to drive to Livingstone that night. That was super cool. The elk were in rut and ALL over the place....but that is a story for tomorrow's post!!!
Here are my pictures from the day...I hope you enjoy them!
Non-Keroucian thoughts of the day:
1. Working for the Park Service is pretty cool.
2. I was an avid Disney Channel kid, so being in Yellowstone felt vaguely familiar -- almost like childhood. My favorite Disney cartoon was of the Ranger and the bears picking up trash in the park.
3. I am SO glad I met up with Karen!
4. The fire damage at the East Entrance actually made me cry. All those trees!!! But then you could see the forest coming back...I guess if it doesn't kill you -- it only makes you stronger.
1. The Host by Stephenie Meyers
2. The Bravery -- The Moon
3. Yellowstone...
Until the next post...Savor the Flavor and Drink the Blue Kool-Aide.
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