Strictly speaking, it's the only Dakota I have ever been to, but I don't know how South Dakota's brother to the north could hold a candle to the amazing things I have seen today.
At some points the land looked like someone took a patch work quilt and laid it over top a down comforter...the bumps and dips were so subtle and very beautiful. None of the pictures I took today of the land captured what it actually looks like to be able to see for 50 miles with nothing between you and the horizon. It was incredible.
I had turned off the side of the road to take the hay bale picture. While I was taking the picture, a cowboy in a red pick-up stopped behind me to make sure I was okay. He didn't get out of the truck, when I nodded to him that I was okay he yelled for me to have a safe journey and went on his way. I also meet these sisters at a rest stop from Kentucky. They were hilarious. They couldn't believe I was driving to Alaska. I saw them again when I got to the famous Wall Drug. We sat and had a coke and they told me about their trip they were taking.
I have a thing about buying a piece of jewelry from places that really touch me -- if I have the means to do so that is....South Dakota has really fit the bill. So while I was at Wall Drug, I went into their jewelry store to see what they had. I got this beautiful ring. I LOVE IT. But that isn't really the point...they point is the lady who sold me the ring was retired Park Service and we know a bunch of the same people. It was kinda neat. Also at Wall Drug, I met this lady who used to go to the 930 club back in the day....we talked about the DC scene and all that stuff. She is moving to New Mexico in a few weeks. As I left she said..."Hey, If it doesn't work out for us...see you on the road home!"
I feel like I stopped a million times today...at a rest stop....at a scenic over look...at Wall Drug and at Mt. Rushmore. I really got to experience this lovely state. I actually think I could live here if I got a job at Rushmore or Badlands....I don't know...I think I would miss the ocean too much.
Mt. Rushmore was pretty freakin' rad. I mean there isn't much to say...it's a kinda gotta see it type thing. Though I was taking a picture....appropriately standing in awe and all that and I hear a little girl scream -- SCREAM ---
Of course, everyone is now looking at the girl with purple hair. So I go up to the little girl and say hi. Her mom informed me that the little girl has been begging for purple hair, but she had told her she had to wait until she was older. I then informed the girl that yes, purple hair was WAY cooler to have when you are older. That when you have such pretty blond hair...it's would ruin it to make it purple -- but when she is older and starts to go grey -- she should go for it. The girl kinda shook her head in agreement. I think her mom was grateful that the girl with purple hair told the little girl to wait too.
Anyways, I will conclude this amazing day's blog with a picture of a shirt I got at Wall Drug some pictures of Pacer, and a wildlife photography moment.

Just Trippin' with my Gnomes!

Pacer enjoying the land at a rest stop.

Pacer chillazin' at the infamous Wall Drug.

Pacer with Mt. Rushmore in the background.

Wildlife photo of the day: Goat as I was leaving Rushmore.
Not so Kerouac-ian feelings for today:
1. This is corny as hell...but all day I was thinkin damn my country is beautiful.
2. I realized today this trip is the pinnaclel experience of my 20's and that rocks.
3. I realized today that I was lonely...I am experiencing all these amazing things...I wish I had someone to share it with. The blog helps though.
4. Taking pictures of a Gnome on your trip IS really a lot of fun
5. I realized this trip is one way and I am not going back "home."
1. The Gossip - Standing in the Way of Control
2. The Host - Stephanie Meyer -- Chapter 18.
Until tomorrow -- Savor the Flavor and Drink the Blue Cool-Aide.